Unlock the Magic of App Development with Bolt.new: A Game-Changer for Developers

Creating a project has never been easier! Using Bolt.new, you can set up a fully functional React app with minimal effort. Here's a walkthrough of the process to create, customize, and deploy your app.

Step 1: Start with Bolt.new

  1. Visit Bolt.new and enter your desired project idea. In this case, we typed: create a todo app in react.

  2. Bolt generates a clean, modern project scaffold with:

    • A responsive design.

    • TypeScript for type safety.

    • Pre-installed dependencies.

Step 2: Customize the Code

Bolt.new organizes the project into reusable components, such as:
  • TodoItem.tsx: Handles individual todo items.

  • TodoInput.tsx: Manages the input for new todos.

  • App.tsx: Contains the app's main logic, including adding, toggling, and deleting todos.

Here's a snapshot of the generated structure: 

You can edit the code if you need to modify the functionality or appearance of the app, as the structure is modular and easy to customize.

Step 3: Preview the App

The app includes:

  • A clean user interface with hover effects and color-coded completion states.

  • A fully responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes.

  • Modern animations for smooth transitions.

You can preview your app instantly, making iterative updates straightforward.

Step 4: Deployment Options

Your Bolt.new project can be further extended with several tools and platforms:

  1. Open in StackBlitz: Seamlessly edit your project in StackBlitz for quick, browser-based coding.

  2. Export as ZIP: Download your project files as a ZIP to work offline.

  3. Deploy to Netlify: Easily host your app with one click on Netlify for public access.

  4. Use Supabase: Integrate Supabase into your project for backend features like authentication and database management.

Step 5: Next Steps

With the app running and deployed, you can now:

  • Add new todos using the input field.

  • Mark todos as complete or incomplete.

  • Delete todos you no longer need.

  • Track your progress with the built-in completion tracker.

Capabilities and Limitations of Bolt.new


  • React, Vue, and Svelte applications

  • Vanilla JavaScript/TypeScript projects

  • Frontend styling with Tailwind CSS, CSS modules

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

  • Node.js/Express APIs and servers

  • Database integration with Supabase

  • API design and implementation

  • Authentication and authorization

  • Project scaffolding, code reviews, bug fixes, and performance optimization

  • Testing (Vitest, Jest), TypeScript type definitions

  • Deployment to Netlify


  • No support for native binaries or compiled languages (C++, Rust)

  • Cannot work with .NET, Java, or other non-JavaScript runtimes

  • No support for native mobile or desktop apps

  • Does not work with Docker containers

  • Limited to traditional databases indirectly (e.g., Supabase support only)

If you'd like to learn more about using StackBlitz, deploying to Netlify, or integrating Supabase, please post a comment, and I will try to cover these topics in upcoming blogs!

Try out Bolt.new today and supercharge your app development process!
